Marine geophysics: seabed characterization

Tecnoambiente has a wide experience in geophysical surveys in all depth range, from shallow coastal waters, up to offshore deep areas.

Side scan sonar, sub bottom profiler and magnetometer surveys allows us to obtain a precise seabed characterization and detect any natural or manmade submerged structure, which is essential for design and installation of submerged structures, cables or pipelines.

The obtained data is used in diverse operations:

  • Site surveys
  • Geohazards detection
  • Seabed morphology and subsea bed structure
  • Cables and pipelines Burial Assessment Surveys
  • Underwater facilities inspection
  • Dredging operations
  • Archeology
  • Rigs and platforms
  • UXO detection
  • Mapping and imagery
  • Structure failures detection
  • Manmade objects localization
  • Profile geological features

As a complement to guarantee our commitment to quality, safety and health and the environment in our daily activities and supporting our SHEQ policy, we work in accordance with the ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015 and ISO 45001: 2018 certifications. These standards are managed in our integrated quality, health and safety and environmental management system which covers all our activities:

  • UNE-EN-ISO14001:2015. Certificate number 44 104 117217   
  • UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015. Certificate number 44 100 117217
  • UNE- EN-ISO 45001:2018. Certificate number 44 126 117217

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