Soil and Groundwaters Inspection and remediation

Tecnoambiente is accredited by ENAC as an environmental inspection entity according to UNE-EN-ISO/IEC 17020: 2012 in the field of Soil and Ground Waters. Its accreditation number is 29/EI432. [Download]

Tecnoambiente is a test laboratory accredited by ENAC according to UNE-EN-ISO/IEC 17025:2017 in the field of Soil and Ground Waters, with accreditation number 479/LE1035. [Download] y 667/LE1348 [Download]

Tecnoambiente is a Control and Sampling Entity in the sectoral area of water bodies quality control and monitoring and discharge management [EC-AIG], authorized by the General Directorate of Environmental Quality of the Ministry of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat of Catalunya. Cert. number: 049-EC-AIG.

Tecnoambiente is a Control and Sampling Entity in the sectoral area of soil pollution prevention [EC-SOL] in the action field EC-SOL-I (Research) and EC-SOL-PD (Decontamination projects). Authorized by the General Directorate of Environmental Quality of the Ministry of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat of Catalunya. Cert. number: 049-EC-SOL.

The studies on contaminated soil and its groundwater carried out by Tecnoambiente provide enough data to guarantee the client the status and degree of their contamination.

Our studies are valid to register new activities in a site, extensions of present activity, renewal of environmental licenses, purchase of plots, studies regarding specific problems, denunciations, soil remediation, etc. Many of these activities are regulated by the Real Decreto 9/2005.

In addition, Tecnoambiente is experienced in the following related activities:

  • Planning and execution of surveys for the construction of piezometers
  • Soil and groundwater sampling
  • Laboratory analysis associated with contaminated soil studies
  • Preliminary soil reports
  • Periodic situation reports
  • Exploratory and detailed investigations
  • Soil base reports
  • Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA)
  • Contaminated soil remediation studies
  • Plans for control and monitoring of soil and groundwater contamination
  • Environmental monitoring of works (sampling, selective excavation, laboratory analysis, etc.)
  • Environmental reports on contaminated soils and groundwater

As a complement to guarantee our commitment to quality, safety and health and the environment in our daily activities and supporting our SHEQ policy, we work in accordance with the ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015 and ISO 45001: 2018 certifications. These standards are managed in our integrated quality, health and safety and environmental management system which covers all our activities:

  • UNE-EN-ISO14001:2015. Certificate number 44 104 117217   
  • UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015. Certificate number 44 100 117217
  • UNE- EN-ISO 45001:2018. Certificate number 44 126 117217

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